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Among the millions of people who use cannabis for treating their medical condition, not all of them are comfortable with being open about it. Whether it’s due to the stigma that still lingers with cannabis or personal preference, people like their privacy. And considering the lack of knowledge about cannabis consumption methods that don’t involve smoke, it may seem difficult…

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The brain is one of the most important organs in the body. It impacts how we think, feel, behave, and act. Some of the major functions of the brain are attention, concentration, self-monitoring, organization, mental flexibility, personality, and speaking. Medical researchers believe that abnormalities in brain function can lead to the development of mental illnesses, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD,…

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Medical marijuana is proven beneficial for boosting sleep. Unlike sleep pills, it’s not addictive and doesn’t cause any health issues. Research says that it can help reduce REM sleep and boost deep sleep. Its cannabinoids work by binding to the receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system. Related- 7 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Cannabis & Sleep Using a medical…

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The first thing that comes to everyone’s mind when talking about medical cannabis is CBD. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the main compounds found in cannabis. It is widely known for its medical benefits. More and more people are now getting MMJ cards from a 420 clinic to buy medical cannabis. Medical cannabis helps people deal with symptoms associated…

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