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As Joe Biden, new US President takes over the White House and Kamala Harris as VP, discussions regarding marijuana’s federal legalization are already on the table. The cannabis community will be looking forward to Kamala Harris’s More Act becoming a law and approval of many other cannabis-related bills. For now, four new states ( Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, South Dakota)…

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PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a psychiatric disorder that is caused by disturbing episodes. It’s common among veterans who have a history of military combat. Many PTSD patients prefer using cannabis for managing their symptoms. Marijuana is proven beneficial for providing relaxation, calming effects in the body, thus promoting mental wellness. Related- How Medical Marijuana Interacts With The Brain? In…

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Gastrointestinal issues are pretty hard to handle and can become a barrier in leading a normal life. It directly affects your ability to digest food and this affects the absorption of vital nutrients. A doctor can educate you about this in a better manner. If you are wondering how to find a medical marijuana doctor near me, it’s pretty easy.…

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Taking a tolerance break is good for your body and mind. Even anecdotal evidence suggests that a cannabis tolerance break can help an individual rejuvenate the entire neurological system. The only drawback is that there are different variables associated with cannabis withdrawal. Marijuana doctors believe that withdrawal was earlier associated with physical symptoms than subjective feelings associated with depression, stress,…

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