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South Korea legislature passed the medical cannabis law, allowing patients to use the herb for medical purposes. This could make a significant milestone in the industry by changing the way cannabis is used by traditional societies. On November 23, 2018, the National Assembly approved the Amendment to the Narcotics Control Act, thus allowing the import and distribution of medical cannabis.…

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Once you have selected your favorite seeds, the next step is storing them to keep them safe and preserve their quality. If your seeds are not stored properly, there are various environmental factors that can cause them to deteriorate before you ever get a chance to see them grow. Fortunately, you can keep them safe and sound. In this article,…

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Many are now aware of the potential of this amazing plant, i.e., cannabis. Along with the euphoric feeling, it gives incredible health benefits. Marijuana affects the endocannabinoid system by connecting to the cell receptors and regulates various functions of our body such as motor skills, immune function, sleep and many more. To purchase cannabis products legally, you require a recommendation…

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Here is How You Can Get 420 Evaluations Online In California. Although, cannabis is legal in California, yet carrying a cannabis ID card may give you an extra protective shield against any possible arrest in a non-legal state. The best way to get 420 evaluations in California is to obtain an appointment online or in-person with a 420 specialist who…

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