(619) 480-0272


In the United States, about 4.4 percent of adults experience ADHD. Of them, only 20 percent seek medical treatment. Research says that marijuana is effective in boosting focus, memory, and mental health. So, it can be used for fighting conditions, such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, etc. By getting a rec from a weed doctor San Diego, you can easily purchase…

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Edibles have become extremely popular in the cannabis world now. Given the effects and the variety they offer, a lot of cannabis users are preferring them over other methods. And for medical patients, in fact, edibles have already become one of the most popular choices of cannabis consumption. But are cannabis edibles all bright and shiny always? Well, the facts…

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If you have recently started your cannabis treatment, I’m sure you must have realized that there are a number of different aspects that you still need to learn about cannabis. It is a relatively new addition to the medical world which is why it’s crucial that the consumer follows every step to enjoy the best experience. One such step that…

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Nanotechnology offers exciting possibilities, especially when applied to cannabinoids, terpenes, and other 100+ compounds of the marijuana plant. Many nanotechnologies, or to be precise nanomedicine applications are being tested to improve the absorption power of pharmaceuticals. Imagine a world wherein you get a medical cannabis card to avail of nanomedicines. These medicines will not only interact with your endocannabinoid receptors…

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